Product Review: Progressive Industries EMS-PT30X

All campers should have some form of surge protection. When we purchased our Airstream I also bought a a TRC Technology Research 44750 (reviewed here ) then I upgraded to a Progressive Industries SSP30 (reviewed here and now I finally spent ALL of my allowance on the top of the line Progressive Industries EMS-PT30X. Here is a quick summary of the differences:

  1. Hi/Low voltage shutdown protection – TRC and the SSP30 do not have but the PT30X does
  2. Open Neutral – TRC has nothing, SSP30 has indication, PT30X shuts down
  3. Reverse Polarity – TRC has nothing, SSP30 has indication, PT30X shuts down
  4. Ground Fault – SSP30 has indication, TRC and PT30X shuts down
  5. AC Frequency Shutdown – TRC and SSP30 nothing, PT30X has it
  6. Thermal Protection – TRC nothing, SSP30 and PT30X shuts down
  7. 220 Volt Shutdown – TRC and SSP30 nothing, PT30X has it
  8. Mis-wired Pedestal – TRC has nothing, SSP30 has indication, PT30X shuts down
  9. Surge Indication – TRC nothing, SSP30 and PT30X have it
  10. PT30X only one with cover for connection
  11. PT30X only one with time delay restart after outage
  12. PT30X only one with previous error indication
  13. Max Spike (amps) – TRC = 1,250, SSP30 = 22,500, PT30X = 44,000
  14. Surge (joules) – TRC = 510, SSP30 = 825, PT30X = 1,790

TRC Model 44750 –
Progressive Industries SSP30 –
Progressive Industries EMS-PT30X –

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