To satisfy my addiction to Lifetime products I bought a new camping table…check it out!
My New Fatorm Apple Charging Accessories
Got a pretty nice delivery of some new Apple charging accessories…
Check Out Our New Electric Accessories…No 30 Amp Outlet?!?
We should have had these accessories already in our setup but did not. Now that we bought them we won’t have the same type of issues in the future.
What Do We Use To Boost Our Cell Signal?
Lew Farber from Solar Tech Energy Systems installed this hardware in early 2017 and I forgot I had taken this footage a few months after we returned from Florida where he did the install. Sorry for the less than great video and audio quality. We have been using this system with our cell phones and hotspot for a number of years and definitely have noticed differences from when we did not have it. We used to drop 1-2 bars from outside to inside but now we get the same or a little better inside than we do outside. Definitely a must have if you rely on phone or hotspot communication inside of your Airstream.
This is what he installed – keep in mind that there may be newer models now for all of this:
SureCall SC-288W Full Band Omni Antenna
WeBoost Drive 4G-X Cell Phone Signal Booster
Wilson Wide-Band Antenna
Storage Nerds – Episode 2 – The Twofer
This is a brand new series on the Airstream Nerds channel – I have decided that I wanted to try my hand at storage unit auctions and enlisted the help of my sister-in-law Laurie. This is our second try at this and we are still having fun and it is made even better because we did not lose any money again! Enjoy and please comment below if you have any tips or tricks for us to use on future units.
Why Do You Need A TPMS And What Brand Do I Like? [TST Unboxing]
TST (Truck System Technologies) is my go to for my tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) for our Airstream. I have had great experience with their products and customer service over the years I have been using their gear. You don’t have to use TST but you would be at a disadvantage if you do not have some sort of TPMS for your trailer.
I Just Bought Another Lifetime Cooler – The 115 Quart Model…(We Also Got A Free Yeti!)
I have an addiction to Lifetime coolers and just bought another one….and it is big!
My New Green Laser Sight From Feyachi
I have been wanting a laser sight for a while and I finally have one. Now off to the range to dial it in…
What Can I Use The Feyachi Padded Shooting Mat For?
I received a couple products from my friends over at Feyachi and one of those is going to be put to good use in my Airstream…